THROMBOGENICITYis the tendency of an agent to cause blood clot formation around the invasive area. This is a deleterious phenomenon which can lead to further complications. In plastics applications, a smooth surface is desirable in order to avoid activation of the clotting mechanism. Hydrophilic (water loving) surfaces are known to prevent absorption of protein and cells and therefore prevent the blood clotting immune response. The more hydrophilic the plastic is (the ability to form H-bonds with water molecules), the less foreign the material is to the body.
耐化学性指的是一般的反应程度的extruded material to a range of chemicals. The chemical resistance of a plastics material is as good as its weakest point. If it is intended that a plastics material is to be used in the presence of a certain chemical, then each ingredient must be unaffected by the chemical. There are a limited number of chemical structures utilized in plastic extrusions and it is therefore possible to make some generalizations about chemical reactivity.
粘结性refers to the degree to which the finished material can be attached to their components with solvents or adhesives. Some materials, such as FEP (Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene), are very difficult to bond because of their non-reactive/non-stick characteristics.
血管造影is radiological examination of the blood vessels using an opaque contrast medium.
血管成形术is plastic surgery of blood vessels. Often, a small balloon is inserted into a vein or artery and blown up to clear blockage and calcified build-up on the lining of the vessel.
DIALYSISis a process employed to remove waste and toxic products from the blood in cases of renal insufficiency.
扩张器is an instrument used for enlarging an opening or cavity such as the rectum, the male urethra, or the cervix. Dilators also are used to widen a punctured opening for easier insertion of invasive applications such as catheters.
栓子切除术is surgical removal of an embolus (a substance carried by the bloodstream until it causes obstruction by blocking a blood vessel), frequently arterial emboli that are cutting off the blood supply to the limbs.
内窥镜检查is the use of instrumentation for direct visual inspection of a hollow organ or cavity.
肠内refer to within the gastrointestinal tract. Enteral diets or enteral feeding diets taken by mouth or through as nasogastric tube.
EPIDURAL CATHETER是一种插入下背部的导管,通常用于注射局部止痛药,以便在分娩或慢性背痛时阻断脊神经。
经肠refers to apart from the alimentary canal. Applied to the introduction into the body of drugs or fluids by routes other than the mouth or rectum, for instance intravenously or subcutaneously.
共聚合物is a material composed by combining two different monomers joined in the same polymer chain.
DIELECTRIC STRENGTH击穿材料所需电压的量度单位,单位为伏特每毫米厚度。高介电强度与良好的电绝缘能力有关。
特性粘度(四) 是一种测量分子尺寸的粘度学方法,涉及已知浓度溶液的比粘度与零浓度溶质浓度的比值。
KINK RESISTANCE指管子承受弯曲和卷曲而不变形或“扭结”(管壁上的褶皱)的能力。扭结会削弱管道的结构强度,并会阻止或减缓介质通过管道的传输。抗扭性是壁厚和肖氏硬度的函数。
树脂is a solid or semi-solid pellet of raw material soluble in ether or alcohol but not in water.
SHORE HARDNESSis the relative resistance of a material’s surface to indentation by an indentor of specified dimensions under specified load. Shore hardness refers to the general stiffness of a material. Hardness is measured according to the Durometer A and D, and Rockwell R scales.
SPIN LUBRICANT(或纺纱整理)是在加工过程中对纤维进行润滑整理,使其更柔韧。
抗拉强度is the maximum stress a material withstands at the point of rupture. Tensile properties are a measure of the force required to stretch a plastic and the percent of stretching the plastic can withstand before breaking. A good tensile strength allows for design of thinner wall thicknesses which result in smaller diameters. A high tensile also aids in ease of catheter insertion. Related to this is Ultimate Elongation, which is the total elongation by percentage of a sample at the point of rupture.
UV RESISTANCE是塑料抵抗破坏的能力ultra-violet light waves (from the sun) for a sustained time interval. Some materials witness effects such as discoloration, surface cracking, hardening, and changes in electrical properties when continually exposed to ultra-violet waves.
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